The Centre for Infection Control and Patient Safety (CICaPS) is a Centre of Excellence in Infection Control for Nigeria located at the University of Lagos College of Medicine(CMUL).

The Centre for Infection Control and Patient Safety (CICaPS) is a Centre of Excellence in Infection Control for Nigeria located at the University of Lagos College of Medicine (CMUL).
CICaPS provides a platform for research, training, and service in health care acquired infection prevention and control as well as expertise to combat existing and emerging infectious diseases.

CICaPS works to prevent and control the spread of infections in healthcare facilities and the community
by developing the capacity and skills of health workers; serving as a regional platform for research; and training and developing a critical mass of professionals with the capacity to protect health through evidence-based infection prevention strategies.

Conduct research on IPC, Patient Safety and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) across Nigeria and Africa
Capacity Building Implement best practice standards, guidelines and interventions for the prevention and control of infections, conduct surveillance and provide other consultancy services
Forge partnerships and work with relevant professional health institutions, organisations, government, health agencies and associations with aligned goals.
Support the development of relevant policies, guidelines and strategic frameworks to institutionalize IPC and Patient Safety; support integration of IPC into healthcare; establish career path for IPC professionals
Support Services
implement training curricula, develop professionals with capacity and skills in IPC and Patient Safety and provide a platform for postgraduate education from short Certificate Courses to PhDs

Building the future together
